📞 Call Us: 780-778-4537  |  1-888-779-4537

📧 Email Us: [email protected]

📧 Email Us: [email protected]

Thanks for booking a room at Green Gables Inn!

A Confirmation Email of your room booking has been emailed over to you!

If you don't receive anything within a couple minutes, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM first to see if it's there (sometimes it ends up there, it depends on which email platform you use) and if you can't find it, give us a call at 780-778-4537.
If you haven't filled it out yet...

One of our reservation specialists will be contacting you within the next 12-24 hrs to go over the details of your stay 🙂
Green Gables Inn
Phone: 780-778-4537
Toll Free: 1-888-779-4537
Email: [email protected]

Hotel front pic (on GreenGablesInn.ca)

Green Gables Inn

3527 Caxton Street

Whitecourt, AB T7S 1P3

Hours: Open 24/7

Phone: 780-778-4537

Toll Free: 1-888-779-4537

Email: [email protected]

>> Book Your Room! <<

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